
Tracey Moore Founder+CEO+Artist
Tracey is passionate and dedicated to living out her vision of empowering youth by bringing gentle awareness to a variety of common emotions and self-care activities, all to establish coping skills through her love for art.
With a mission to focus on acknowledging and recognizing emotions to build resilience against the inevitable daily challenges and common stressors experienced during the adolescent stage. Considering the negative impact of readily available social media outlets and the lingering effects of the recent pandemic, Tracey is driven to encourage youth to perform regular emotional check ups and to have a readily available self-care strategy. Tracey finds that the youth and senior communities seem to be less likely to pause and to really consider what they are feeling and to actually do something about it. This has movitated Tracey to do what she is doing today.

Doron Roundtree Musician
Paige Minett Poet
Our team has a combination of background and experience in Emotional Regulation Techniques, Certifications in Mental Health, First Aid, STEM Programs, Music Instruction, Visual Arts facilitator, De-escalation, Peer Support, Creative Arts, Spanish – English translation and a variety of youth engagement events and programs.